In our projects we wanted to make the work of women involved in various facets of art visible. Our team, both men and women, is implicated in creating emotions; citizens sensitive to imparting the values of cooperation, respect and social commitment, using the individual language of their creations. After investigating various manipulation techniques, we have specialized in the art of table puppetry where the work of manipulation is done in full view of the public, creating dialogue between puppet-actress-public-actress. This gives us versatility in creating characters and creates a dynamic interaction with the audience.
Our shows
Feira das sementes
Un espectáculo que abarca monicreques de mesa, luva, de obxectos e bunrraku. A peza presenta unha selección de contos, poemas, refráns, cancións e adiviñas relacionados coa agricultura e as sementes recollidos nos cancioneiros e refraneiros populares galegos.
Minia convídate a xogar
Nesta proposta teatral o xogo e a experimentación son canles de autocoñecemento, de descuberta, de comunicación. Crease un contexto de expresión total onde podemos comunicar a través do corpo, das emocións vividas e da fala.
Un espectáculo teatral sobre a intelixencia emocional
A alfombra máxica
Un espectáculo para bebés especialmente recomendado para o seu desenvolvemento sensorio-motriz autónomo.
Un espectáculo-instalación elaborado para favorecer o xogo e que nos incita a deixarnos levar polos sentidos. A obra propón un espazo para ir á descoberta da contorna onde podemos tocar texturas diversas, crear sons, percibir diferentes cheiros, explorar espazos que evocan un bosque con árbores que aparecen e desaparecen.
Bed and bed-time story
A performance based on the memories of two unforgettable characters, a mother and her daughter, Malva, who not only communicates through words and gestures but also gives life to the most mundane objects in a montage that is full of poetry and sentiment.
Two puppetteers recreate a forest and its’ animals with puppets made from objects, to tell this story about environmental awareness.
In a forest where many animals live, something happens that makes the dog bark….
A fire sets off a spark that threatens to start a forest-fire.
Marusia is a little girl who lives close to the sea. In this story, Marusia will have to pass the test of the three Fs, Mr. Fib, Mr. Foul and Mr. Fear, personified in a building constructor without scruples, a sneaky fisherman, and the terror of the unknown.