
Dramatic adaptation by Teatro Babaluva, inspired by the book titled “Lume” written by Alberto Varela Ferreiro and published in Edición Xerais de Galicia, 2007.

In the forest where many animals lived, something happened that made the dog bark…there came a flame that wanted to start a fire on the ground and smoke in the sky..

The dog called the cow, the cow the deer, the deer the mother boar, the mother boar the acorn, the worried acorn searched for the owl who told the spider. The spider saw the hedgehog who alerted the frog who alerted the heron, who was eating worms. The caterpillar spoke to the butterfly who went to the beetle and the squirrel. And that’s how it came to be that everyone helped to prepare a plan to extinguish the fire that was raging through their forest.

In this innovative proposal of object theatre, two puppeteers create a forest and its animals to raise the ecological awareness, of children between the ages of 2 up till 8, using storytelling and table puppets to tell their story.

[tab:Characteristics of the show]

The puppets and set design elements are constructed reusing everyday, recognizable objects and barely transforming them. A technique we have been able to use, thanks to the collaboration of the Brazilian company MARIZA BASSO TEATRO DE FORMAS ANIMADAS, internationally recognized as specialists in the theatre of objects.

The original soundtrack is composed by the Australian artist MERRAN LAGINESTRA, contemporary music composer with much experience in puppet and dance theatre.

The Galician architect and photographer CLARA MIGUELEZ, has added her subtle and poetic vision to the representation with her photos.

SANTI PREGO, Actor, storyteller, and teacher at ESADE, Galician School of Dramatic Art. Santi has worked on the dramatic adaptation and scenic direction.

In May 2008, after more than 20 years experience of producing puppet shows for children, using various techniques and performing both nationally and internationally, MIRARI and LARRAITZ URRUZOLA, formed the company TEATRO BABALUVA. In this project we wanted to make the work of various female artists around the globe visible. The team which accompanies us is implicated in creating emotions, imparting ethics of co-operation and social compromise.
[tab:Technical necessities ]

  • Public: Family, children from 2 to 12 years
  • Duration: 35 mins
  • Setting up time: 1hr 30 mins
  • Measurements: Width: 19.6 ft (6 m)/Depth 9 ft (3 m)/ Height 7.5 ft (2.30 m)
  • Adaptable to any stage space

[tab:Artists and technicians]

  • Artistic Direction: Mariza Basso (Brasil)
  • Adaption and Scenic direction: Santi Prego (Galicia)
  • Executive and Artistic production: Teatro Babaluva
  • Puppeteers: Larraitz y Mirari Urruzola (Euskadi/Galicia)
  • Set Design and Construction of Puppets: Mariza Basso Teatro de Formas Animadas/Teatro Babaluva
  • Soundtrack: Merran Laginestra (Australia)
  • Photography: Clara Miguelez (Galicia)
  • Costumes: Rosario Sampedro (Galicia)
  • Collaborations: Pepe Penabade, Lucho Penabade, Comercial Grupo Anaya/Xerais, Xurxo Seara
